Pete Beratta, Owner/Licensed Barber, Pete's By the Park Barber Shop
Call: (315) 673-7549
Text: (315) 751-1741
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page: Pete's by the Park
Dena Beratta, E-RYT 500, Director, Mandala Moon Yoga, LLC
Call: (315) 673-7535
Text: (315) 440-9125
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page: Mandala Moon Yoga, LLC
web site:
Lisa Jeske, RN, BSN, BS, LMT, Certified NAET Practitioner
Currently unavailable
Call or Text: (315) 440-4816
Email: [email protected]
Juliana Beratta, LMT, Licensed Esthetician
Offering massage therapy daily
Facials are currently unavailable
Call of Text: (315) 413-9988
Email: [email protected]
Our Location:
4303 Slate Hill Road
Marcellus NY 13108
Facebook Page: Slate Hill Wellness
We are just outside the village and across from the DPW. If you're from Marcellus . . . two doors down from the ice cream stand/bowling alley. If you know, you know.
Call: (315) 673-7549
Text: (315) 751-1741
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page: Pete's by the Park
Dena Beratta, E-RYT 500, Director, Mandala Moon Yoga, LLC
Call: (315) 673-7535
Text: (315) 440-9125
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page: Mandala Moon Yoga, LLC
web site:
Lisa Jeske, RN, BSN, BS, LMT, Certified NAET Practitioner
Currently unavailable
Call or Text: (315) 440-4816
Email: [email protected]
Juliana Beratta, LMT, Licensed Esthetician
Offering massage therapy daily
Facials are currently unavailable
Call of Text: (315) 413-9988
Email: [email protected]
Our Location:
4303 Slate Hill Road
Marcellus NY 13108
Facebook Page: Slate Hill Wellness
We are just outside the village and across from the DPW. If you're from Marcellus . . . two doors down from the ice cream stand/bowling alley. If you know, you know.